Sister Sister

Before the snow, before the flood, before Me even…there was my sister. Last Friday, November 30, this wonderful woman turned 65 years old. The world should know that she is fabulous! A gorgeous woman with an amazing presence. She is several years older than I and moved out of our home when I was only 3 or 4 years old. So we didn’t really get to know each other until much later in life.
I remember being a little girl, peeking out at my sis as she prepared to go to the prom or some equally glamorous event. Her date handsome in his tuxedo. She with her crinoline dress, fluffy and ethereal. Me in my p.j.’s and lopsided ponytail yearning to be part of the glamour. She was my idol. The beautiful princess. Outgoing cheerleader. Fairytale bride. Young mother. World traveler. New York City chic. (As seen through my little romantic eyes, of course.)
My sister was my hero then and even more so today. I realize now that she has always been a more grown up and self-assured version of me. (She will laugh at the “self-assured” description. She will know it is both true and untrue all at the same time. That’s one way we are so alike ☺.) While we did not “know” each other for much of our lives, she is now one of my very best friends. The years between us have shrunk. We are pals and playmates. Confidantes. I could tell her anything and she would still love me. It’s a wonderful thing to know at this time in life…with so much still ahead. It’s a true delight to have your idol and hero off of the pedestal where you can play and laugh and be REAL together! I am so grateful to have her in my life!
This one’s for you, Sis. Happy Birthday! You are amazing! I love you!
photo from here.

Reader Comments (4)
Thank you for your beautiful words -it's a good thing I don't have my mascara on yet this would be running:) Love you and treasure our special relationship. SS
What a special way to share your relationship with all of us. I love the medallions and would like to get one for MY sister who has long been my best friend by choice. While we were kids we didn't have much in common, and sharing a room made life all the more difficult since I've always been a bit of a "pack rat" and she likes her space free of clutter. Once we were adults, however, we became fast friends and even took some extended trips together (through Europe and around the USA) during summer breaks from teaching.
Hugs and blessings to you both,
every girl needs a special sister--related or not :-)
This is a very special portrait of your lovely relationship. Glad you shared it.