serene & wild--musings from paris #1

Well, the blogging gods are having their way with me this morning...I just wrote a wonderful post about my arrival yesterday and then it disappeared. Arrgggghhhh.. Rather than rewrite (for there is much to do), it will have to suffice that it was a charmed day of traveling including an early flight into Paris (an hour!!!), smooth transportation and checking into my apartment when I arrived rather than having to wait until late afternoon. Blessings abound!
I am certain I will share more about my apartment later, (It is tres charment!!) See a bit of my neighborhood here. I met the wonderful woman and child while wandering near the Eiffel tower in the Champs du Mars. I don't know anything about them, but I thought she was so beautiful and intriguing. Serene & wild all at the same time. (Sounds like me right now!) Several times during the day I wondered "What the heck are you doing?!?!?!" I resisted the urge to dive into the neighborhood Starbuck's (there is one right around the corner) when nothing seemed familiar. I forced myself to enter a restaurant for lunch...well a sidewalk cafe...and I just kept walking and pulling out my map when I needed to.
It is 6:00 a.m. here right now and I think I got about 8 hours of sleep, so I am ready to go. If I hurry up, I will be able to see the sun rise. Not sure yet if it rises over the Seine (which is about 3 blocks from my home) or not. I am so glad you are here with me. A naysayer to my "solo" trip told me that Paris "must be shared". So, it is your role this week to share with me!!! For the moment I have given myself permission to not respond to comments, but I hope you will continue to chime in! I am reading and enjoying every moment with you!!!!
Au revoir maintenant! (I think that means good bye for now).

Reader Comments (7)
Lead on Lucy...i'm right there with you!
I've travelled many places in the world by myself and have found that travelling solo is NOT a lonely way to travel. When one travels with someone, we turn toward each other and share the experiences together but when one is travelling on their own we face outward and are more open to meeting new people and new experiences.
And here's to new experiences!
so glad you have given yourself permission to blog. it is awesome being on this trip with you.
Thanks so much for bringing us with you to Paris and thank you for being open to possibility!
Looking forward to your wonderful epostcards from Paris! A bientot (see you soon) or A toute a l'heure (see you later)!
Loving the pictures and your commentary. Absolutely no reason to respond to us here, we are vicariously right by your side!!
Oh … I’m sorry you lost your post but am glad you moved on to enjoy the moment! Kudos for avoiding the temptation of the familiar to immerse yourself in new adventures! No need to respond … I’m just happy to be following along vicariously and am amazed at what you’ve managed to share here and at Lucy Creates!
Hugs and blessings,
Doing some catch-up with your trip, Lucy, and have to say that I LOVE the statue of the woman and child - the woman especially. She reminds me of the "youth" I am being given later in life. Thank you for her! Cheryl