What I did on my Summer Vacation...

“Transitions of the past have opened the doors to my future.”
My last post contained the above words and my pondering over the last few days has led me to see how true the sentiment rings. Last spring, it felt like doors were closing every day. A significant change was leaving the job I held for three years at the graduate school where I completed my own masters degree. I adored that work, but knew it was time to move on. With that closing, I could not be certain of what might open ahead.
Over the course of the spring and summer, I found my facilitation time with Soltura slowing down and feeling like the intensive focus of the past three years was taking on a new shape, and that season of my life was shifting too.
In many ways my summer was spent grieving those losses and also learning how each of them has been a gift preparing me for the future. During my "summer vacation", my dreams began to manifest in tangible ways. Not satisfied with my private practice office, I let myself dream about new space. I wanted something spacious with a welcoming atmosphere. I preferred to be able to walk or easily take the bus. On August 1, I launched my “new and improved” practice in a wonderful yoga studio just blocks from my home. A new website, Diamonds in the Soul, followed. Business cards were designed and ordered. And the creating continued. More doors began to open.
This week, I am offering a complimentary preview workshop to several women who might not otherwise be able to attend. It is a blend of expressive arts, experiential therapy and spiritual direction. The space is full with eight women (and an overflow list, too ☺.) I am so excited I can hardly stand it! I have been reading like crazy, taking notes, gathering music, selecting images for collage, making lists of supplies, choosing poems and refining what I will have time to share in our few short hours.
The follow-up (or official workshop) will be held on October 3 at St. Placid Priory near Lacey, Washington. Reservations are being accepted now and I would love to have you join me! Check it out here and let me know if you are interested.
Another door is shared with the lovely Christine of Abbey of the Arts. We will again be offering a supervision group for compassionate listeners. Our initial group for 2009-2010 has filled and we have had inquiries about offering a second group, this one entitled Soul Care Supervision (Click on the link to check it out.) If you are anywhere near Seattle and are interested, let us know. (A participant drove from Vancouver B.C. last year and vowed it was worth the drive!)
One of the additional fruits of my supervision work with Christine is that I am going to be officially published as co-author of the chapter on using the arts in spiritual direction supervision in the upcoming book she and Betsey Beckman have written. It will be available in February of 2010. How exciting is that?!??!
As you can see, my creativity and exuberance are over-flowing. Who would have guessed where those closing doors would lead? My summer vacation was indeed dream-packed! And I haven’t even mentioned my upcoming Soul Collage Facilitator training or my pilgrimage to Ireland ☺. Stay tuned for further details.
My party of the heart continues as I learn how to give and receive my gifts in love. I invite you to share in the excitement with me. Please let me know if any of the upcoming events are of interest to you. And by all means, let me know what doors are opening (or closing) for you as we say good-bye to summer.
images taken on my summer vacation - location - the cloisters, nyc

Reader Comments (15)
This is a great post. I'm so happy for you. I have started new gardening work which has been frightening but is going great. Your post inspires me to keep focussing on the dreams and having faith and striding forward. All the best to you.
Wow Lucy Loo, you're on fire baby! Woooooooooooo :)
How beautiful your professional shingle glistening today and swinging gently outside your hut in September's autumn wind! Congratulations and hugs on these vibrant and profoundly interesting endeavors! Bravo! Bravo! Lucy!
I'm so happy to read all about these wonderful endeavours. Fantastic! I echo kigen: bravo!
oh! I love the new website. Beautiful and completely CALMING. So ordered and clean, it made me sigh.
Simply Fantastic, Lucy!! Loving the infinite expression that we are. Your words remind me of something we say in church every Sunday:
All doors are now open;
All channels are free;
The whole wide world
says YES to me!!
I echo all the wonderful comments here about your being on fire and BRAVO! I am honored to be a collaborator with you in some of these offerings and am eager to see how these other parts will emerge and unfold. I am inspired this morning just reading about your own new inner landscapes.
This is so wonderful. It makes me happy to read of others whose lives are working out just right. It makes me feel hopeful and brave, seeing evidence of the okay-ness of closing doors and new passageways opening up.
speck of dust--i loved reading about your gardening and how you cleared the space, but left the seeds for the woman to plant herself. it is a wonderful metaphor and one i hope i can hold onto has i prepare the soil in my upcoming ventures!
sue--you're a poet and didn't even know it (or maybe you did)... thanks!
kigen--your words make me want to run out and purchase, or better yet, create an actual shingle for my space. bravo for us!
tess--wish you were closer so you could partake! i know - seattle schmattle...or whatever. xoxo
christine@ blisschick--thanks for the thumbs up on the website. calming is a good thing in this profession (at least in the beginning :-) peace.
brett--i love that poem - a sacred "yes" indeed!!!
c @ abbey--lest you forget, i am not just on fire I AM FIRE! thanks for your loving encouragement and support. the inspiration is mutual.
karen--my heart clutched a little at this line "when i read of others whose lives are working out just right"..."right" kind of scares me since i strove for years trying to make it (me) so. this season feels like one of almost sitting back and watching it happen. seeds that were planted years ago in numerous ways are coming to fruition.
thank you for the words of encouragement. when those doors closed behind me, i could not be sure what (if anything) would open next. what is that quote, "when man closes a door, God opens a window?"
I was thinking of that quote, lucy, and rejoice that your window opens upon expanding vistas!
My summer was an adjustment time for a life shared with two delightful Persian kittehs. Today, I invited a former colleague over to meet them. She is suffering from depression and I have heard these two "love brothers" work wonders on lifting mood. I actually cooked up a simple meal as well. I see vistas opening at last.
So hey, Happy Birthday Lucy Loo Woohoo
Happy birthday!
I've just passed on to you the Kreative Blogger award - again! If you want to play, check out my post http://www.anchormast.com/2009/09/11/im-kreativ/. If not, just enjoy!
Congratulations Lucy!! What a year this is for you...but I think you knew it would be an exciting one when you picked Fire for your word for the year ...you are SO on Fire!
Diamonds in the Soul is such a beautiful site and the name is perfect. You are truly a sparkling and precious gem.
I DO share in the excitement for you and with you - all such wonderful happenings!