Celebrating Lucy of the Light

Today is the feast day of St. Lucy - patron saint of the blind. It has become a tradition for me to share my own Tale of Lucy on this festival day.
Today is the feast day of St. Lucy - patron saint of the blind. It has become a tradition for me to share my own Tale of Lucy on this festival day.
It may be the irreverent part of me or my own impish little girl, but I roared with laughter upon reading a client's tale about her granddaughter rolling around in dog poop. The story is the exact opposite of propriety and sounds downright icky on the base level. Doesn’t society suggest that we’re supposed to always stay clean and tidy and/or be the prim grandmother in sensible shoes reading Mother Goose by the fire to our pink-cheeked offspring? Who says those things have to be true?
Today’s special post is in support of Gratitude, Generosity and Brilliance. Life has a way of weaving its multi-faceted tapestry in the most unexpected and unique ways. People come across our paths, drifting in and out like threads wound across a vast loom. I can’t remember the first time I ran across one of the incomparable Patti Digh’s blog posts, but I remember being touched by her zest for life and the poignant question “what would I be doing today if I only had 37 days to live?”
Happy Friday the 13th!! It's been a gorgeous few days here in Seattle and I'm excited to wrap up the week with this tidbit of exciting news. Each Friday, a person who is making bold moves, living well, nurturing their creativity, following their passions, and making magic is featured on Bold Living Today. It is with great joy and gratitude that I announce today's featured guest... Can you guess? C'est moi!! (Need I translate?)
Bold Living Today creator and passionate living person, Kanesha Baynard has this to say:
Today's interview is with Kayce Stevens Hughlett. She is an author, speaker, life coach, soul nurturer - and someone I admire deeply. (Right back at ya, 'Nesh!) Kayce has the kind of energy and spunk that makes you want to fly and create something stunning - while skipping along eating your ice cream cone. Yes, she's that amazing. (Wow! It's awesome to receive this kind of love any day... Who says Friday the 13th is bad luck?)
Without further adieu, I invite you to pop on over and check out the interview. I had so much fun doing it and hope you'll enjoy reading it, too! Click here!!
Hmmmm.... It may be time for skipping and ice cream! Care to join me? ☺
“I don’t precisely know what you need to do to take care of yourself. But I know you can figure it out.” Melody Beattie
Have I told you lately how much I value and support self-care in the world? Or that I believe living life to the fullest is perhaps the one true mission we have in life? If you can begin to value and accept these two premises, then I promise your life will begin to transform in ways beyond your wildest imagination. Last week after I wrote about 10 Lessons Learned (& Affirmed), one of my friends and colleagues declared that post “an Essential Self Care Tool in itself.” There it was in a nutshell—my two passions... self-care and living life fully—all rolled up into their own manifesto for daily living.
1. Follow your heart.
2. Be open to whatever shows up.
3. Put on your sassy and Play, Play, Play!
4. Make essential space for connecting with friends and loved ones – the rest will follow.
5. We are all teachers and there are lessons to be learned in everything. Pay attention.
6. Self-care is the best way to restore, rejuvenate, and prepare to offer our gifts (and love) back out to the world.
7. Re-entry (each day or after time away) can be challenging.
8. “What’s next?” takes us out of the present moment and launches us into the future. All we have is now.
9. Have an assembled toolbox of nourishing notions nearby at all times and use it! (I imagine mine is like Mary Poppins carpetbag, filled with magical delights and the perfect thing manifesting at exactly the right moment.)
10. Sometimes it takes a full arsenal (or the whole bag) to feel relief, but with time relief will come.
Since one of my callings is to spread the message of soul nourishment throughout the world, the Universe has conspired to help me out. Yesterday, Melody Beattie’s thoughts on self-care appeared on my pathway. Here’s what she has to say:
• Rest when you’re tired.
• Take a drink of cold water when you’re thirsty.
• Call a friend when you’re lonely.
• Ask God to help when you feel overwhelmed.
Many of us are afraid the work won’t get done if we rest when we’re tired. The work will get done; it will be done better than work that emerges from tiredness of soul and spirit. Nurtured, nourished people who love themselves and care for themselves, are the delight of the Universe. They are well-timed, efficient, and Divinely led."
I don’t know about you, but I love the feeling of being well-timed, efficient, and Divinely led. How wonderful to know that it can begin with a simple step of showing up and following your own heart! I’d love to know what self-care and soul nourishment look like for you, so please feel free to share in the comment section.
If you’re a little iffy on how to define personal self-care or you think it sounds good for everyone, but you... because you don’t have time... I invite you to check out my online course Live it to Give it: essential practices of soul nourishment and self-care. Class begins Monday, April 16. There are just a few spots left. Does one have your name on it?
And Remember... Figure out what soul nourishment practices work for you and the world will express its gratitude in abundance!!