Becoming Fire

Settling into the darkness of winter, I have been introduced to FIRE.
“No one but me by the fire, my hands burning red in the palms while the night wind carries everything away outside.” David Whyte – “The Winter of Listening”
“…she would burst into conversation that must have startled listeners, at times, like heat lightning in a distant summer sky.” Robert McDowell
“I am the fire of the world burning with desire.” Feminine World
“When prayer and attending to the Sacred have become so deeply integrated into your life that you are consumed by a love of God and all things, you have become fire.” Christine Valters Paintner
I am fire. Images dancing through my mind during my season of Advent. The flame. I am the fire of the world. I am flame. Light. Maybe the word is not light. Perhaps it is flame. Fire. To burn and not be consumed. Reaching toward the light. Becoming flame. Feeling that during centering prayer. Be Fire. Be the flame.
I am the fire of the world burning with desire. Desire does not consume. It encompasses and spreads. With motives of fear, it can be destructive and take out everything in its path. But desire and delight spreads – nourishes – overflows. The chalice. The flame. You cannot look away from the flame.
Today I was fire. The other warmed by my flame, not wanting to look away. Radiant – engaging. My truth shining through. Lovely. Kind. Free. Delightful. I am fire. My mantra for the year – the new year. Welcoming this into my life. Naming what is there. A spark. A light. The flame is coming into fruition. Ablaze. I am fire.
“Let your light shine. Let your love show.” Keb Mo
adapted from morning pages 12.30.08
photo - brazos de dios 1.06.09

Reader Comments (7)
I am honored to be included among those marvelous quotes and of course your own inspiring, fiery voice. What a thrill to watch you allow your flame to spread wide! xoxo C
Welcome home Blaze - missed you!
You're back, oh fiery one hooray!
This is lovely. Fire cleanses and purifies as well.
Glow, baby glow!
When I think of myself in terms of the elements, Fire always seems to be underepresented. And yet, Fire IS Creativity! Burning within, yearning for release. We need to tend our fires...adding necessary it oxygen...allowing it to burn bright.
I think I'll join you amongst the flames, Lucy!
Welcome back!
burn, baby, burn!! ;) :))
thank you all! your responses each made me smile and caused me to wonder who is having more fun with this word or me :-) smokin'!!!!