
Do you see the 'brilliance' and the 'rest' in this collage? Do you wonder where I have been? Have you considered what might have been keeping me away from responding to comments and offering new posts lately? Well...I am here to celebrate and announce a big secret to the whole world! I have been studying..studying...well, mostly I have been thinking about studying. But...today...the studying ended. I found my place of rest and brilliance. Today, I passed the big exam for my career path. Today, I passed my licensure exam for mental health counseling.
I am over the top and more than a little bit excited. I chose not to tell many people I was even attempting this feat, because what if I (gasp) failed? Today, the woman of rest and the child of wisdom & play united to guide me through the exam. It was an amazing day. I hope you will celebrate with me!!!

Reader Comments (18)
I did notice your absence.
Missed you posting.
Glad it was for such a great reason, though.
Tune and I are doing the Happy Dance over here for you! I am so delighted I got to spend the morning with you and witness you create an image to carry you through the afternoon. Much love and warmest, heartiest, and most enthusiastic congratulations!!!!! Lunch next Tuesday will have to be an extension of your weekend-long celebration. :-)
Fantastic, fabulous news, I'm so very happy for you and proud of you. What a great step to take. Off to do my own Happy Dance for you!
What marvelous news! Congratulations on your achievement and may all your studying and all your efforts bring you great satisfaction and wonderful challenges! (I'd do a happy dance but I might wake up the folks downstairs!)
Woohoo! I'd do a happy dance but there is a fair bit of smoke haze here in Melbourne town today and I may collapse.
BUt I'm doing a happy dance in my heart. Yay for you, Lucy.
You know, I only know you online, but this just screams to me of a perfect fit.
Wonderful!! I'm so happy that you've reached your goal !!
Fabulous, Lucy--absolutely FABULOUS!!!
hope, C & tune, tess, barbara, sue, "diff", & karen-- i can see, hear, and feel the happy dance all around the world!!! thank each of you for celebrating with me!!!!
Congratulations from us, too! I can relate, remembering the thrill when I learned that I had passed my med. tech. registry exam lo, those many years ago. Believe me, it's much better knowing immediately rather than having 4-6 weeks to worry and wonder, as I did. Enjoy a big celebration, knowing you have the official "nod" to move forward along your career path. We're anxious to hear your plans when we see you.
A big woohoo indeed!!!!! I've already acknowledged my congrats over at FB but this is an accomplishment that can certainly be celebrated for a while. I think the collage captures the moment, the anxiety of the test, the peace and celebration of victory of a job well done! The notes of amen:)
Oh I am so happy for you! What an accomplishment and challenge to move through! Congratulations!
I have missed you!!!
Glad you're back! :-)
Big Congrats!! That is great news. Bliss out o'er following your bliss. Have a splendid weekend.
bravo my friend! i'm so excited for you! i knew you'd do it!
Thanks for making the woohoo clear. We were certainly woohooing with you, just didn't know why. So, now, the big questions; when can I start my sessions?
thank you all for your ongoing woohoo's and celebration with me!
CP--(un)fortunately, due to ethical concerns (& my ethics knowledge proved to be quite good) i will be unable to begin formal sessions with you. whew! i mean...darn! i'd love to help :-)
Ooh, yes. Do you do online consults?
right on, lucy! what an accomplishment. the stars are out tonight big time and i do believe i see you up there brilliantly shining!
sue--haven't i always? solicited or not? :-)
laure--the stars have been brilliant the last couple of nights. i feel right at home :-)