
BlissChick stopped by "Diamonds" to welcome me to her newly created “Live Your Bliss Accountability Circle.” Check out the new button and if you’re game join in the fun by writing about your own personal journey toward blissdom. This week's prompt is:
Think about, write about, Mister Linky about...when you visualize your happiest, healthiest, most rockin'est self, what do you see? Where do you see this? What are you doing? Come on! Share!
If you are saying to yourself, ‘Whew, I don’t even know where to begin’…think about these quotes from a couple of guys who help remind me of their definitions of bliss.
“It is not easy to try to say what I know I cannot say…And the simple fact that by being attentive, by learning to listen (or recovering the natural capacity to listen which cannot be learned any more than breathing), we can find ourself engulfed in such happiness that it cannot be explained: the happiness of being at one with everything in that hidden ground of Love for which there can be no explanations.” --Thomas Merton
“The way to find out about your happiness is to keep your mind on those moments when you feel most happy, when you really are happy—not excited, not just thrilled, but deeply happy. This requires a little bit of self-analysis. What is it that makes you happy? Stay with it, no matter what people tell you. This is what I call “following you bliss.”” --Joseph Campbell
My happiest, healthiest, most rockin’ self takes time to be still and listen. I find time to breathe in the air around me; feel the sunshine on my skin and just simply be. Words cannot adequately describe this state of being, but I know when I know that I know. Ya know? ☺
I will be sharing more on this in the weeks to come. Are you ready to follow YOUR bliss? What does that look like for you?

Reader Comments (11)
Bliss looks like retirement to me - who knew it would be so freeing and that there would be so many truly exciting and adventurous moments to follow! Yes bliss and retirement mean about the same thing to me today:)
and your selection of authors - TM the most familiar to me, just finishing 7 Storey Mountain - a great descriptive journey of the bliss he experienced in following his path to the priesthood.
bliss is playing in the studio with no expected outcome, just freedom to play
pure bliss, helping others experience the same thing
ss--so delighted for you that you are finding bliss in retirement. my hope is that all of us do not have to wait until retirement for that particular joy :-)
i really enjoyed 7 story mountain although many people don't.
kel--i love your descriptions of bliss...i know for me if i can find a place of acceptance versus expectation, the results are usually much more pleasant and surprising!
"pure bliss, helping others experience the same thing" YES!!
To simple be. Yes, that can be the blissiest of all.
Glad you are also feeling bliss-full.
thanks, tess!
Oh, an apple green chair?! Yum.
Great quotes.
DID I tell you that my first post was called "Beginning with Joseph Campbell, Of Course." I can't remember... :)
blisschick--i have a feeling you and i might be able to finish each others sentences...i obviously need to go back and read your first post :-)
the chair was meant to be mine. i saw it, fell in love with it, decided i couldn't afford it...waited and bought it for 50% off. yummy for sure!
o.k. where's the chair??? Did I miss something?
xoxo SS
SS--lest anyone else should feel left out, the chair is in my new studio/office. it's heavenly!
I've actually been exploring this topic for a while now. I have an extremely clear picture of what brings bliss--and so I keep asking myself, why am I not experiencing it now? How can I experience it right now?
It's a choice, isn't it? Every single moment, it's a choice we make.
hi karen--great questions you have posed here. i believe it is a choice. i also wonder if we can may it happen. it kind of reminds me of laughter. we can want it, but it's not something to be forced. lots of paradoxical stuff here...let's keep pondering!
nice to see you back!