the place in between

During this week leading up to Palm Sunday, I find myself surrounded by “the place in between.” Not dead, but not resurrected. Knowing, but encircled by mystery. Springtime – no longer winter, but the warmth of summer has not arrived. Hints of blossoming yet death still lies in my flowerbeds. Mourning a leaving and excited for new possibilities. Ending time with students – done, but not done. Living with a teenager – no longer a child and the adult has not yet emerged. Mid-life. Need I say more?
“I try to take on one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me all at once.” Jennifer Unlimited – Hazelden
and my daily dose of Merton:
Under the heart
Speak softly:
For love is black
Says the season.
Kissed with flame!
See! See!
My love is darkness!”
Would love to hear your thoughts on the place in between!

Reader Comments (9)
Several thoughts -
1. The photo is lovely - your handiwork?
2. the quote from Jennifer/Hazelden - one day at a time vs. several days' attach - oh, there is so much truth in that isn't there?!
3. The in-between time, for me Lent seems like a long journey and yet it is almost complete and now I must, I have to, it's required if I believe in Jesus Christ, step into the crowd singing hosannas on Palm Sunday and before the week is over, screeching 'crucify him' - it is indeed an in between time. I would prefer the happily ever after ending/the Resurrection without all of the mess in-between but for me, I don't believe I can skip all the in-between and understand Resurrection. Oops, I think you'll be seeing this over at MindSieve soon:) As I told another blogger pal just moments ago, thank you to YOU for your inspiration....God chooses such an interesting crowd of workers to deliver the good news!
the handiwork is mine. thanks for noticing. jan richardson asks where we find rest during this in-between time. i am not having much luck...wish i could skip it too, but...
Beautiful photo!
In some ways, it feels like its a particular point in my life, right now, and not just the yearly season--this caught in the middle. Reflecting on what's come before, looking ahead to what lies before me. Perhaps it's turning 40...I'm not sure. I don't have answers, just ponderings...
Love the photo.
I feel the restlessness, in my bones, of being in this Now ~ this place in between.
It's only just occurred to me recently to relish what is, as opposed to anticipate what's to come, or pine away for what was.
As for what Karens writes ~ yes, turning 40 does feel a little strange, indeed.
karen--it feels like more than "just this season" to me, too. i remember firmly denying middle age at 40. it's not quite so easy to do 10 or so years later...but i'll give it my best shot (not the denial, but the determination that there are many many more wonderful things to come!)
tinkerbell--hmmm. i would pay attention to that restlessness. wonder what it's trying to say?
to all--i am cracking up that you all like this photo so much. i found it buried in my photo files and think it was taken on my phone about a year ago. seems to hit the spot for now, huh?
thanks for being here!!
The space between - that liminal space - is a source of great wonder for me. Here's some writing I did about it that I hope you might enjoy -
Thanks for this beautiful post.
patti--thanks so much for stopping by. i loved reading your liminal space piece and found it resonated and simmered with me as evidenced in today's post. thank you!
It has taken a bit of time before I could muster a comment. I wanted to say something about the "liminal experience." Today it occurred to me to wonder if it is ALL liminal, that liminality (?) is the human experience. I seemed to drift from one place in between to another. To review the most recent ones: deciding to retire, going through retirement and some depressing times, adjusting to retirement, destressing after years of workaholism, wondering where to go next, losing friends to death and departure, not knowing where my faith community is going. When does it stop? Life is a liminal experience between birth and death. Living is what you do while waiting for some ideal life to begin! There is, as Scripture and many faith traditions point out, only the NOW.
lots of depth in that one short comment, barbara. i can see how you (and i) feel like it is all liminal right now. it is. i am reminded of the term "already and not yet" and of course my favorite "both/and".
i must say, however, that i really get agitated about the "waiting for some ideal life to begin." NOW is the's really all we have.
i also wonder why some Christian traditions have gotten so far away from NOW by seeing the kingdom of heaven as "out there." then it really does make "now" feel hopelessly liminal.
i don't feel hopeless (most days :-) but i definitely feel 'in between' for lots of reasons.
thanks for coming back and mustering up a comment!!