sacraments and flowing water

“We are asked to pour ourselves out, trusting that in this act we will be refilled.” Christine Valters Paintner
“The universal call to holiness is an invitation to be ourselves. It’s also an invitation to remember the sacramentality of every day life.” James Martin, SJ
Pouring out. Seeing all things as sacraments. These themes swirl and spin around my mind challenging me to continue to reach for the unknown. I do not know what will fill me, but I know that in order to be refilled, I must make space by pouring out. I stop and consider the times I have emptied myself out of obligation rather than love. When it has been duty rather than sacrament. The “filling” looks quite different – resentment and loneliness instead of peace and sanctity.
Where are the places I dam my flow of love? Where do I allow old hurts to get in the way and feel myself building dams rather than letting the springs flow? Where is God in all of this? Am I so self-sufficient that I tell God to get lost? How ludicrous is that – the impossibility of even trying to lose God since God surrounds me in the very air I breathe?
Sacraments and flowing water. God is calling me to be more fluid. Fluid with acts of self – allowing love to fill in the cracks and crevasses rather than building a dam or trying to patch them with illusions. Seeing life as daily sacrament.
Yesterday was a Sacred Sunday – filled with small acts of kindness. And, in those acts – providing a ride, preparing a meal, folding laundry, listening to others, reading a manuscript – I was indeed refilled. I listened to the call to be fluid. In this unplanned response, the crevasses were washed clear and I was reminded of the truth that resides within.
photo © h3images

Reader Comments (6)
these words are so lovely, i feel renewed and refreshed. i love that first quote too and that in some small way i got to be a part of your sacred sunday. :-)
Beautiful. The sacred in the everyday.
Very nice post and a reminder of the happiness that can come with emptying and refilling. My filling station is flowing, flowing these days, mostly on to my art table rather than my computer keys.
ah, my favorite trio - C, T & SS. now that makes me smile!!! xoxoxo
You write of that which your poem at the Poetry Party speaks of: Come! Come! The circle and swirl continues!
thymekeeper - i love the connection you noticed between the two. thank you!! there is a voice always calling, "come" isn't there? the question is whether i slow down enough to hear and/or choose to listen!