Fire Revisited

We have passed the midway point of 2009. The summer solstice has come and gone. Days are already shortening even though they still feel long and luxurious. And, Kate I has reminded me it’s a good time to reflect on my word for the year – FIRE.
Fire. Being the 4th of July in the US, what better day to reflect on this word? The sound of firecrackers has been punctuating the air for days already and the culmination will come tonight with the blasting fireworks that won’t be seen until well after 10:00 p.m. It is my hope to be near sleep by then since we have a very early morning flight tomorrow. Off on vacation. Yippee!!
But I digress. Fire. Fire has been a well-chosen word for me this year. I have pondered its warmth and its ability to be destructive. My nature can be one of nurturing and tending others, but sparks can also fly when I feel scared or threatened. I have considered what it is like to be fire when the one I am closest to connects most deeply with smooth calm sands of earth. How shall the two comfortably meet? Must the fireworks blaze out and descend to the ground? Is it necessary for a storm to brew to send the sand of earth flying to meet the sky? Will wind prevail and both fire and earth disappear? Or can a fire be nestled into the hollowed out sand of a beach where peace and joy reside? The answers, of course, are not simple. Neither am I singularly elemental - only fire.
Fire has showed up in beautiful and surprising reminders throughout the year. Metaphors abound in my life and I hope I have been present to at least a few of them. There have been times when I could only see the death and destruction of fire. And, then there are those sweet moments when I feel as though I have flown into the sky and exploded into brilliant bursts of color and life. Fire has met me in my contemplative time; in my play time; in times of passion, growth and, yes, even destruction.
Reflecting on fire today…this midpoint in the year…this day of independence…I think I have to say, Fire has been an excellent choice of words for me this year. We shall see what the remainder of 2009 has to offer.
If there are others of you who selected a word for the year, what do you think? How does this midway point find you engaging (or not) with your word?
fireworks by h3images
my happy place by lucy

Reader Comments (8)
Well of course you know that now you and Kate have reminded me, I'll have to go do inventory on my own word! But more of that in due course.
I love this, I've so enjoyed reading your reflections. I love the way you describe the balance between warmth and destructiveness, and how you manage to bring the essence of fire to what you write here.
I hope you have many more 'sweet moments' during the second half of the year, not least on your vacation!
And happy 4th!
thanks so much, tess. i look forward to seeing your "revisit." i also hope the essence of fire i bring here leans a little more toward warmth than destructiveness ;-)
i'm planning on enjoying a few sweet moments in ireland with you!!!
I like very much your mid-year evaluation of word of the year - seems on target and realistic. My word "growth" is one that I'm finding suitable for me as well:)
For July 4 and more...
2 thoughts by Emily Dickinson
"Except Thyself may be
Thine Enemy —
Captivity is Consciousness —
So's Liberty."
"Touch Liberty —
then know no more,
but Noon, and Paradise —"
SS--i would say "growth" has been a perfect fit for the year. btw--how's the flute?
kigen--i had to read them a few times to let the emily sink was worth the read(s)!!! thank you!!!
The music book came last week so the flute is making some progress. I seriously doubt there is going to be much public performance in its future but I do love the sound that comes out for me.
Two new pieces hanging in an upcoming show at Allied Arts in Richland:)
ss--congrats on the art show. would love to have a private concert with the flute...perhaps accompanied by a not-so-accomplished but enthusiastic drummer :-)
It does seem that you have been "ignited" this year, Kacey... kindling the fires of exitement, exhilaration and anticipation.