Pondering water, life, spring, lent

"Nothing is wasted in the sea; every particle of material is used over and over again, first by one creature, then by another. And when in spring the waters are deeply stirred, the warm bottom water brings to the surface a rich supply of minerals, ready for use by new forms of life." -- Rachel Carson
I'd love to know what these words stir in you...
Reflections on Life,

Reader Comments (8)
Oh, it makes me think of your dancing molecules from a couple of posts ago, and I can remember the feel of sharp shells and sand between my five year old toes when I waded into a pool left when the tide was out.
"Nothing is wasted"
I used to wonder about collecting shells, maybe they should be left where they are. And then I learned about "Carrier Shells," a sea snail which goes about affixing numerous seashells, small stones, pieces of glass, etc, to its outer surface, sometimes to extremes, looking hilarious as they march about, piled high with all the stuff they've collected. Example here (Xenophora pallidula):
What springs to mind immediately is that it's a metaphor for the world-soul. Thanks for sharing this.
I like the idea of being deeply stirred in spring - plants awakening, sap rising, new challenges emerging from the old, new energy released...
These words stir in me thanksgiving, reverence and at the same time wonder at the world we've been presented with to steward.....are we up to the task, are we doing it?
Trust the process of life.
Nothing is ever wasted, period. It all makes us--physically, mentally, spiritually--so be at ease and know all is well.
tess - dancing molecules, indeed, and i love thinking of your little toes curling into the sandy tide pool!!
kigen - thanks for sharing the photo of the "carrier shell". what a hoot!!!
pollinatrix - "the world soul". what a beautiful description to capture the essence of these words!
les (ER) - "deeply stirred in the spring" brings even more imagery to my mind. thinking of a large spatula or spoon in the hand of God reaching deeply into the ocean to gather up the tasty tidbits waiting to be discovered in the depths.
SS - globally speaking - we don't seem to be doing such a fabulous job, but the awareness seems to be rising so we're moving in a better direction.
Jennifer - yes, "trust the process of life." there are clues on how to live everywhere around us, and in my humble opinion people are not the best examples... thus, i turn to the sea.
karen - there is something about nature that helps everything fall into place and make more sense, huh?