Never Doubt...

Aslan, my muse... the one who says, "Paws."I love the creative process more than just about anything... actually, I love PROCESS. Period. It is not typically in the end result where I learn the most, but usually in the midst... in the process. Today, I'm practicing what I so often invite others to do. I'm listening deeply... and following through. Thank you for indulging me.
"Never doubt that this longing makes a difference. Never doubt that your desire for slowness, spaciousness, and beauty matters." Christine V. Paintner
Never doubt that your call to be still, to write, to create art, make space, nourish yourself, slow down... is real. Never doubt your own instincts—the call to rise at dawn or to curl into bed early in the evening. Never doubt the power of taking your seat in meditation or prayer or showing up for others even though your mind may feel scattered and adrift. Never doubt that you are loved even when the voices of those who love you are silent. You are loved, my dear. Never doubt that you have everything you need, right where you are. Never doubt the wisdom of being in process.

Reader Comments (2)
Woohoo and me too:)! Had a lovely couple of painting days this weekend:) xo
dianna - i always love to hear when you're painting!! i'm writing like a crazy woman. it's very exciting to see who shows up on the page!! xoxo