The Poetry of Resistance

Hello Monday!
I have so many wonderful things I want to share and say... and edit and perfect. But if I took every minute available to ponder and pour through my journals and share the events of life that I find so indescribably beautiful, there would not begin to be enough time... ever! Each day and moment are magnificent in their own spectacular (and mundane) ways. So today, just for you, Monday, I've decided to drop any notion of "perfection" or "completion" and share a little "poetry," simply because I can.
I'm letting go of fear of judgment and hours of agonizing and any of those other things, and I'm allowing this little piece to peek into the atmosphere. Today. Right now!
Where are the poems of my life hiding?
The poems of my life hide beneath Resistance.
They play 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) chair to my great American novel
and all the other things I plan to write.
Oh, they hide beneath the planning...
the 'I'll do it another day or while I'm on retreat
or when I have more time.'
The poems hide behind tomorrow or next week or month or year,
because when they peek into now...they see the scariness of being
brilliant, shiny and Messy like mud-pies that haven't quite dried in the sunshine.
They hide beneath the fear that I'm not really a poet.
They wait for permission or an invitation to speak and when it's offered,
they burst forth like kindergarteners turned loose at recess.
They peek out from behind the cat's whiskers
and the cozy covers of my feather bed.
They patiently wait for the resistance-monster to hit the road.
The monster obscures my poems with sultry promises of care and best interests.
I'd like to say it's love,
but deep inside resistance doesn't ever feel very loving.
Resistance makes my body tighten and my spirit lag.
It dims my light and doesn't feel okay... not okay at all.
It feels like "meh - whatever - why bother."
So when it pushes and prods and says, "give up,"
in those thousand subtle ways... Facebook, TV, Food...
it's my turn to meet resistance in a bold new way.
Stop. Pause. Listen. Greet it directly.
Hello, Resistance, I see you. Let's step out of hiding together, shall we?
Come share this poem with me, imperfections & all. Today. Right now!
(inspired by a writing prompt from the "Sacred Rhythms" writing retreat.)
What poems, dreams, or aspirations are hiding beneath your resistance?
Do one scary thing today... I just did!

Reader Comments (2)
Fabulous! :) I can imagine that your writing retreat was awesome because I was in the same neck of the woods the next week! Inspiration everywhere!
Thanks, Pam! I love your reflections, too, from your time away!