Loving Ourselves = Loving the World

Home. There’s so much to write and capture between my time away and now. I can’t settle down. (Or is it in?) Which way do we settle? Down toward the ground? Into the earth? Or do we settle into the love of the Universe? Our Beloved? Our loved ones? Ourselves?
Aslan, my museI’m here now with Aslan, my muse of a cat. He can’t get close enough to me in this moment. I think he’d crawl inside my skin if he could. His nose is tucked under my left arm and he’s breathing with a deep purr. Relaxed? Or worried that I might leave again?
My daughter said he was annoying while I was gone. I said he just wants attention, love, connection. Don’t we all?
Again, connection to or with? In or on? How do we connect? My husband texts me from his own faraway adventure and that is our connection for now. Aslan tucked beneath my arm equals connection. Me sitting in locust pose and meditating equals connection.
Breathing with intention, I feel connection to the world around me. Istanbul where my hubby plays. Paris of my heart. Vancouver BC where I spent a few jet-lagged hours. You reading these words.
We want to connect—to settle in—to know that we are loved. These words form in my mind...
Love thyself and the rest will follow…
(IF we love every part of us including…)
I think she's part of me somehow…The little weak scared parts; those that are afraid to ask directions or speak in another language or eat alone. The parts that are brave and glorious and sensual; the ones that delight in seeing the light inside a stranger's eyes; that feel sassy in red boots and crimson lipstick; that boldly ride through the streets of Paris with hair blowing and laughter gurgling over.
The nasty parts that judge others and get frustrated and grumble or shout or curse. The tender parts that weep for a tiny mouse scurrying through the subway and cry at the sound of guitar music floating upward into the night sky.
The cold parts who walk by the homeless mother and her children covered in raggedy blankets and plastic wrap on a street corner. The brash parts that laugh aloud at bawdy jokes and wishes they were 17 again (if only for a moment).
The kind parts who smile at strangers and give their last coins to someone in need. The funny parts who make silly faces and help a restless child laugh and settle in. The curious parts who take us on wild adventures, down streets and narrow alleyways and into churches and undiscovered markets.
"The Apocalypse" in St. SulpiceThe spiritual one who weeps at Joan of Arc and carries a Latin mass in her heart.
The romantic who longs to be kissed on the Seine and toss the key to her lover’s heart into the flowing current.
The beautiful. The ugly. The wretched and mild. Strong. Courageous. Weak and worrisome.
We are called to say ‘Yes’ to love ourselves… every last wicked, wonderful way. Saying YES, in this way, is to love the world. My way. Your way. All ways. Always. Amen.
How will you love yourself today... every last wicked, wonderful way?
How will you then love the world?
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