Coming out of the Rabbit Hole

Dang, it’s hard sometimes to practice what I preach (living compassionately, taking risks, and stepping wholeheartedly into who I am). But man oh man, it is so important, essential even. Truth is when the heat gets turned up and I really want to run, hide, or cave in (i.e. do the “easy” thing) that’s when it’s most important to show myself compassion by slowing down and paying close attention to what I need.
It’s becoming apparent that each time I teach my “Live it to Give it” class, there will be a heightened challenge where I must explore whether or not I will choose to live what I give. Will I take my own counsel? If I were coaching myself, what would I say?
Again, dang it! This is hard. It’s much easier to dispense wisdom than to practice it! So… what do I do when the heat gets turned up and I encounter a situation that seems impossible? I dive into my toolbox. Do I do that first? Not always. I still need lots of practice and by no means do I want to give the impression that I’m a superhero with an uncanny ability to do the thoughtful thing first. {Hahahaha! Please excuse me while I roll around on the floor laughing!}
What usually happens is that after ongoing mental gymnastics, a few well-placed curses, and about 100 miles of walking, I finally remember to check in with my body and see what it has to say. Once I do that, things become simpler as far as knowing the decision to go with… and if I can get out of my own way, trust that I’m not in control, and remember the Universe is sufficiently capable of taking care of itself… things begin to settle down.
Now I realize this may all sound like a bunch of rambling kookiness and you may be absolutely correct. But, hey, haven’t you ever fallen down the rabbit hole of crazy thoughts or resigned yourself to the “easy” choice even when your instincts were saying, “No. No. No.”? My hunch is you’re nodding your head ‘yes’ (even if a little sheepishly).
How about if we be in this together? I know I can always use a hand (or a helpful reminder) to pull me out of the hole… and I’m all about helping a friend, so here’s what reached out to me this time:
“At the moment you consciously make a choice, pay attention to your body and ask your body, ‘If I make this choice, what happens?’ If your body sends a message of comfort, that’s the right choice. If your body sends a message of discomfort, then it’s not the appropriate choice… At times it may not seem rational, but the heart has a computing ability that is far more accurate and far more precise than anything within the limits of rational thought.” Deepak Chopra “The Seven Spiritual Laws”
My hope is that you’re not caught in the rabbit hole or facing serious challenges today… but just in case you are… remember, you’re not alone and your heart is full of wisdom! Send me a note. Give me a call. I’d love to hear from you.
photos ©KSH - Paris 2013
Reader Comments (8)
Oh Kayce!
This is the "ish" that makes a woman powerful. We lay it bare - help others - tidy up our "stuff" - and get back to the juicy stuff.
I have more faith and trust in a teacher/coach who has done the work and continues to do it.
And - woman oh woman - more ladies need to hear it's okay to fray a bit and then put it all back together.
Tight squeeze, my friend, and a fist bump.
'Nesh - You ROCK!! i'm fist bumping right alongside you and weeping a few tender tears too... thanks for the tight squeeze and helping me remember what i already know. Love you, lady!!! xoxo
oh yeah - good post!!! xoxo
I'm so glad you have the resources you need for this tough world. also know you have friends who love you (even though they don't see you as often as they would like). love and hugs!
As I read, I wonder if you studied the Enneagram and guess you might be a '2' or '4'. It's been a difficult Mother's Day as I struggle with some estrangement. To read my heart and body will guide me to comfort and it's okay helps. I needed a bit of reassurance. Thank you.
Dianna - you know I always adore when you give me a little "oh yeah"!! xoxo
hey ms. kay - i miss you!! glad to know you're lurking in the wings, but i'd love to see your shining face soon!! xoxo
Hi Jenny - the enneagram is something i haven't studied too much, but it's on my list ;-) mother's day is hard for so many of us. i'm so glad to know this post helped ease things a bit for you!! blessings, k