Give me a Monday… Give me a Word… Give me some Joy!

by Kayce Stevens Hughlett
I love Mondays. Give me a Monday in the New Year on a day that just happens to celebrate the Feast of Epiphany and I could go apoplectic with pure unadulterated joy. The day is rife with possibility.
“…in our willingness to give that which we seek,
we keep the abundance of the universe circulating
in our lives.”
Deepak Chopra
Since I began meditating with Deepak Chopra’s Seven Spiritual Laws several months ago, I’ve appreciated Mondays more than ever, because the focus is on what we are able to give to the world through unattachment (i.e. not worrying about what's in it for us). What better way to begin a week (or day or year) than with a spirit of bringing our best gifts to the world?
As we begin the New Year, I’ve been pondering my word for the season. As has happened in several years past, my word for the year started popping up during the 3rd quarter of the previous year.
As I made space and pursued my word while allowing it to pursue me, it became abundantly clear that PURSUIT would be this year’s word.
Recently my sister and I were sharing our words with each other and we chuckled about how when we write them down for someone else to read, they seem like fairly ordinary words. But… when we allow them to sink in and work on us, they are loaded with meaning... most of which we’ve yet to discover. That’s the gift of a really great word. It’s like thin layers of rice paper that multiply and unfold in mysterious ways throughout the year.
One other theme popped up for me when I was doing Deb Smouse’s Find your Touchstones exercise. She asked, “What do you want to celebrate more this year?” My immediate response was: Love and Connection.
Live it to Give it is all about exploring love and connection: What we live (love) and how we give (connect) it with others!
One of the ways, I’ll be sharing this theme throughout the coming months is by having regular guest posts here. My hope is to introduce you to some of the incredible people I know who are offering their unique gifts to the world. It’s gonna be great!!
On Wednesday, January 8 I’ll be sharing a delightful interview with my friend and colleague, Debbie Reber. You won’t want to miss this. Debbie is an author, running enthusiast, brand-new homeschooling mom, and Seattle-resident who recently moved to Amsterdam. Talk about living and giving!
On Thursday, I will personally have a guest post ("The Epiphany of Pilgrimage) at A Sacred Journey where I’ve been invited to be the pilgrim-in-residence for the month. There I'll be sharing my thoughts on what it means to be a pilgrim in the world. Pop on over to this fabulous site for free giveaways (including “As I Lay Pondering”) and meet my friend Lacy Ellman. Lacy’s brand new book, “Pilgrim Principles: Journeying with intention in everyday life” is hot off the press!
What do you want to Celebrate more of this year? I’d love to know your word or theme for the year. If this is a new process to you, check out these excellent resources from two more of my favorite peeps!
Abbey of the Arts: Give Me A Word
Create a Life You Love: Choosing your 2014 Touchstones
Let me know how I can support you! I have a few spaces available for individual coaching this season and a spot or two available in Sunday, January 12’s Awakening the Muse: a day of writing and SoulCollage®.
Here are some other offerings and places I'll be hanging out in the coming months. Join me if you can!!
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