Inviting ecstasy to roll…

by Kayce Stevens Hughlett
“…learn to become quiet, and still, and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked. It has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.” Franz Kafka
Brave & Beautiful Women
Paris Pilgrimage - May 11, 2014
Today ecstasy rolled at my feet through deep long breaths… being grounded to earth and sky… blown about and washed with wind and rain. It rolled at my feet through the crunching gravel along the Seine and laughter floating through the air, beginning with little children on our quiet street and rising through the glitter of pilgrims laughing in the night air.
It rolled in a massive wave as I heard my friend Betsy buoy up her courage and tell a French woman very kindly but firmly (à la français) that the guard said it was okay to take photos in the museum. My heart swelled along with tears of joy and gratitude as my co-conspirator Sharon draped her arm around my shoulder and we spoke quietly about Monet’s Water Lilies – Les Nymphéas - while they curved magnificently around the room before us.
Tuileries GardenerThe goat “mowing” the Tuileries Garden caught my eye as we strolled past… and I felt as though I’d come home when we rose out of the Opera metro exit at Bastille. Even (maybe especially) in the wind and rain, I knew my roots were strong and deep.
Ecstasy rolled and waned when I saw the Bastille market and wondered if my friend the wine merchant was there. We pilgrims anxiously and hungrily searched for food as the vendors wrapped up their wares and stalls. We roared with delight when we saw Erika and Lisa with falafel sandwiches and went in search of our own.
Ecstasy rolled at my feet as we sat on the concrete stairs with sunshine on our faces, munching falafels and sipping sodas… as we strolled through Place des Vosges with harp music accompanying us… when we stepped into a secret garden and posed for pictures in a concrete frame… walked through the neighborhood and drooled at pastry cases… dove into the metro in a rushing gibouleé (rainstorm).
It rolled as I strolled home on my own with key in hand and map imprinted on my heart… as I slept a Sunday nap with sun and rain trading places outside the window… as I recalled the day with Sharon and then again with our pilgrims and they spoke of how ecstasy had rolled and not rolled at their feet.
We are on a journey together. Eight pilgrims laughing, eating, dancing through the evening. Belly laughs and photographs. Wine, entreés, plats and dessert. Oh my! Dashing into Betsy’s bedroom for a twinkling peek at the Eiffel Tower.
Home again. Home again. Paris, je t’aime!
How will you invite ecstasy to roll at your feet today? You don't have to be in Paris to do it!
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Reader Comments (3)
Yay!! You're back, & it sounds like your pilgrimage was fabulous!! So happy! :) I'll be eager to hear about it sometime soon! xo
It was a fabulous trip! This post is from full day one :)
i'm with you in spirit! enjoy!!