I Choose Humanity. Will You?

Humanity: the quality of being humane; kindness; benevolence
As an artist of being alive, my overarching practice is to remain present to the current moment where simplicity rules and magic reigns. I’m not political by nature and watching the news anytime wears heavy on my soul. I’ve worked for years to limit words like “right or wrong” in my language and I believe everyone is entitled to an opinion. I welcome discussion with open-minded individuals, but I refuse to be bullied and belittled by anyone. In times of conflict, I state my piece/peace then choose to retreat into silence and send healing prayers into our world and offer lovingkindness on behalf of all beings. Peace is my power.
And there are days when I step out of my comfort zone to say enough is enough. Today is one of those days. Perhaps my voice will resonate… or frustrate… or ignite something beautiful inside our world that is suffering. Today, I’m opening up a corner of my heart and allowing you to peek inside my private journal from January 29, 2017 (penned upon my return from a trip to visit lifelong friends).
Home. Seattle. Arrived to a protest last night. Heartbroken. Trump has exerted his power and refugees and immigrants from certain countries are not being allowed into the US. I’m heartbroken. Boundaries and borders. Hard lines. Harsh words break hearts and devastate lives. Heartbroken. I agree with the protestors and it was terribly confusing and chaotic. Tired. We travelers wanted to go home and be safe and warm and sleep in our own beds. But what of the people who have no homes, no safety, no beds? Do we turn them away because the color of their skin or country of their birth is “wrong”?
As a traveler of the world, I am heartbroken and I am frightened for our nation. I am also privileged. A white female with a US passport, a pedigree so-to-speak, but even I am fearful under a president who uses a chainsaw to execute change when a scalpel might be more effective. Life is not a reality TV show. We are living, breathing human beings. I choose to support humanity! I cannot support blanket condemnation. I have fought too long and hard to be free of absolutes.
At the airport, I stood beside a young mother with a sleeping infant as we tried to exit the secured area under threats of tear gas and concern for violence erupting. The episode was over in the blink of an eye, less than an hour. I can’t help but wonder, however, what if the mother had been from Syria or Afghanistan? What if she and her innocent babe were pawns in a political power game?
The kindest people I have met in the world, the most hospitable, the purest of heart have not always been American. It felt like the Tower of Babel last night. Chaos. I was able to remain calm and knew my husband and son-in-law were waiting on the other side, but what of the people who have no one to wait for them? Lord, help us all.
The reality of what I flew home to Saturday night has shaken me to my core. I have no easy answers, but I do have a voice and I need to be bold and tell you where I stand. I share this with a trembling heart and a strong resolve. I choose humanity. Will you?

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