Who am I to stay silent?

by Kayce Stevens Hughlett
(shared from my 2/13/2021 Instagram post)
I am a brave woman AND some days I’m paralyzed with overwhelm. Each time I read something about anti-racism or social justice from people I follow and respect like @ijeomaoluo @sonyareneetaylor @resmaamenakem that confuses me or I have questions, I hesitate to speak up for fear of causing harm or getting it wrong. Fight or flight tries to kick in.
Who am I to understand and/or commiserate with Black healing as a white woman? .. But then again who am I to Not speak up? ... in my own imperfect way that is trying to learn and do better?
I have no desire to be any kind of white savior for anyone ... hell no! But I am a woman with skills and experience in healing. I’m willing to be curious and hold paradox that I do relate AND I can never relate. I am one who has been othered in my own life, one who believes everyone has unique (& collective) wounds, that we deserve to live freely (& kindly), that stories matter, and that curiosity, conversation, and vulnerability are key. I’m open to difficult conversation, because Our Humanity is worth it!! #joinme #becurious #hanginthere #speakup
#antiracism #socialjustice #fear #knowbetterdobetter #heal #healing #healyourself #healtheworld #conversation #aslan #catsofinstagram @antiracismdaily @valariekaur #seenostranger
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