Ode to Blossoms

by Kayce Stevens Hughlett
original art by KSH Listen to the flowers teach.*
Wisdom of the buzzing bee.
Pyramid of Giza. Blue mosque. Sinai & beyond.
Hear Hildegard, the cards, the stars.
Be the Hermit in silence’s grace.
Follow your design,
hold the thread,
feel temple’s heartbeat
rising from your feet.
Write a poem to the moon,
or the Princess of Cups,
Offer them crowns
woven from flowers - daffodil,
anemone, poppy, daisy, witch hazel.
Listen to the rain’s teaching,
Water, cleanse,
Wash away what
you no longer need.
Listen to Hildegard,
Hear The Chaste who hovers
Near The Bardo,
Feet on stone, open air temple,
Pounding beats building a new home.
Integrate. Implement.
Write, paint, dance.
Follow the invitation to
Come home. The call to pen a poem.
Write until you run out of ink - twice.
*after “St. Hildegard Gives Her Writing Advice” by Christine Valters Paintner

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