What is it to be a 'Future Ancestor'?

As we near the end of this Aquarian portal, I take several moments to look back over what has transpired, and be curious about what I choose to take with me into the future.
Aquarius season, known to be peppered with disruptions and brilliant star moments, has been a doozy for me. I embarked on a wild journey through eastern Cuba and came home with aching joints and a positive Covid test. My time away was sprinkled with dashing caballeros, big-eyed babies, beggars, musicians, and vibrant spinning dancers. My physical and emotional comfort were challenged alongside my personal creativity and even my love for adventure and travel. I received shining moments of connection—a poor fisherman’s warm hospitality, butterflies and feathers in Fidel’s graveyard, and a quiet moment when I held the hand of a pleading woman named Therese who showed me the scars beneath her scarf and a sagging belly slack from hunger. The both/and of it all (disruption & shine) arrived at a dizzying pace and left me inside “thickets of tangled thought” (Rumi) and a microcosm of my overall life.
I have pages and pages of notes and references about what it means to be a Future Ancestor. But, as I began to write, I realized that this Aquarius season offers all I need to rake through my stories and decide how I might want to remember and be remembered.
So, I will pause here with a few things to ponder …
Give yourself the gift of looking back over the past few weeks. Notice the places of disruption and shine. Take notes in your journal or simply let it wash over you.
Imagine your current business card reads, “Future Ancestor.” How would you describe your role or mission to another person?
If you were applying for the position of Future Ancestor, what are your qualifications? Previous experience? Areas of passion, simplicity, excellence you want to be remembered for?
If your current self is struggling with anything (concepts, vision, health, eldering), what might you want to hear from a wise and well ancestor? What would bring you comfort?
List 3-5 qualities you desire when seeking guidance from your ancestors (feel free to substitute angels, spirit guides, god/dess, the Universe, Mama Gaia, etc. if you’re not yet comfortable with an ancestral practice)
No words? What if you collaged, sketched, or painted a future ancestor? Who/what do you see?
Grateful me is looking forward to knowing what you discovered (or re-membered) this season.

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