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live it to give it is all about love and connection. Being authentic. Living our lives and sharing it with others. Life is messy and so is this blog. Somedays my organized coach self shows up. Other days it's my vulnerable author. There's a mom that lives inside me alongside a wife, friend, social justice activist, creative muse, ponderer extraordinaire, and multitude of others. I'll introduce you to people who inspire me and offer a peek into my world that very likely intersects with your world. In other words, I will share life in its full, glorious mess with you. I'm honored you're here and I hope you'll come back soon!!  Cheers! Kayce 




i feel like the fairy godmother of restoration has tapped me with a powerful wand that says "relax!". i have willingly obeyed. 10:30 a.m. Bermuda time - almost ten hours of sleep - heaven.
a gentle breeze. warm air. the sun bright, but not harshly so. the kiskadees call. my skin looks fresh and line-free. my hair falls softly. my body needs a good stretch. a swim may be in order.

Welcome to Paradise...returning home to myself. wonder who i'll find.


Fire Revisited

We have passed the midway point of 2009. The summer solstice has come and gone. Days are already shortening even though they still feel long and luxurious. And, Kate I has reminded me it’s a good time to reflect on my word for the year – FIRE.

Fire. Being the 4th of July in the US, what better day to reflect on this word? The sound of firecrackers has been punctuating the air for days already and the culmination will come tonight with the blasting fireworks that won’t be seen until well after 10:00 p.m. It is my hope to be near sleep by then since we have a very early morning flight tomorrow. Off on vacation. Yippee!!

But I digress. Fire. Fire has been a well-chosen word for me this year. I have pondered its warmth and its ability to be destructive. My nature can be one of nurturing and tending others, but sparks can also fly when I feel scared or threatened. I have considered what it is like to be fire when the one I am closest to connects most deeply with smooth calm sands of earth. How shall the two comfortably meet? Must the fireworks blaze out and descend to the ground? Is it necessary for a storm to brew to send the sand of earth flying to meet the sky? Will wind prevail and both fire and earth disappear? Or can a fire be nestled into the hollowed out sand of a beach where peace and joy reside? The answers, of course, are not simple. Neither am I singularly elemental - only fire.

Fire has showed up in beautiful and surprising reminders throughout the year. Metaphors abound in my life and I hope I have been present to at least a few of them. There have been times when I could only see the death and destruction of fire. And, then there are those sweet moments when I feel as though I have flown into the sky and exploded into brilliant bursts of color and life. Fire has met me in my contemplative time; in my play time; in times of passion, growth and, yes, even destruction.

Reflecting on fire today…this midpoint in the year…this day of independence…I think I have to say, Fire has been an excellent choice of words for me this year. We shall see what the remainder of 2009 has to offer.

If there are others of you who selected a word for the year, what do you think? How does this midway point find you engaging (or not) with your word?

fireworks by h3images
my happy place by lucy


Transported in Time

Driving home last night from the final session of my memoir writing class, I was transported back in time. When I was 16 I drove a 1969 pale yellow, black top VW convertible bug. That era and little beetle hold some of the most carefree memories of my life. How perfect to be old enough to experience freedom, but young enough to not carry a whole lot of responsibilities. [ I could easily veer off here and muse about the differences for 16 year olds today (since I have one in residence), but this is a different topic.]

Anyway, last night I was driving home in my 2007 cream on cream VW convertible (who says you can’t go back?). It was a little chilly outside, but the sky was beautiful as I headed across Lake Washington toward Ballard. I cranked up the heater and the stereo and soaked it all in. My i-pod was doing its shuffle thing and WHAM I was transported in time. Bachman Turner Overdrive, “Takin’ Care of Business” came zooming toward me like a wild Karaoke host who put a make-believe microphone in my hand and shouted, “Sing it, Girlfriend!” Well, all I can say is that for a few brief moments, any pressure, stress or worry that comes with being a “responsible” adult drifted right out my car into the night air. I gave myself over to the moment and I was ageless. I sang like a diva. I dreamed like a child. I felt every sense of my body like the woman I am! Oh, it was great!

Perhaps I am easily amused. Who cares? Those little moments of being fully alive are really what counts, right? Have you experienced any of those lately? Music is one of the things that can take me back in time (or out-of-time) faster than anything else. How about you? If you wanted to pop into another place or mood, what song would hit the top of your playlist? Where would it take you? What would it tell you?

self-portrait 6.29.09



Process versus product. Do those words resonate with you? How about journey versus destination?

It is a beautiful gray morning in Seattle. Now mind you I am not a huge fan of gray but it does allow me to light my morning candles and come to a place of contemplation that the brilliant sun makes a bit more difficult. I am pondering a recent conversation with a friend who seems to viciously struggle with not having “it” (life, faith, herself) all figured out. As I listened to her I wondered if she realized that no one has it all figured out. No One…and if they try to tell you they do, guess what, they’re full of IT!

When I consider my own role in similar struggles, I often return to the idea of being “unfinished”. There may be a final product for which I strive, but it is in the process that all of the meaty stuff really happens. If I am “finished,” then what? This is a concept that has helped me throughout my journey, especially when I find myself in places where I feel like the process may never stop. At least I am present enough to feel my emotions – to wrestle with the issues – to enjoy the value of a gray day. The alternative is a pretty numb and lifeless existence.

Today I invite you to consider how you spend your days. Do you strive for product or are you awake to the beauty of process? Are you so focused on the destination that you miss the intricacies of the journey? Does it have to be one or the other? Could it be both? How about keeping an eye on the destination while enjoying the music of the ride? How about remembering the sun still shines even though the clouds cover it for now?

Wishing you a Sacred Sunday and days that follow!

'heart of daisies' lakebay 6.09


Simple Woman...Simple Day

Browsing the wonderful sites on the web is one of my favorite things to do. I am always so inspired by what others are doing and offering to each of us. I found this "journal" at Inspired (how appropriate is that?). The direct link, however, goes to The Simple Woman. I decided to use this journal format today to remind myself of the beauty of simplicity.

FOR TODAY (June 25, 2009)...

Outside my window...the sky is overcast with the occasional tease of sunshine. The rhododendrons are releasing their final blooms and the wind gently reminds me that the trees are alive.

I am is a gift to be alive. To have the senses of taste, touch, smell, sound and voice through my written words.

I am thankful for...this moment and all it encompasses.

From the learning rooms...(if this applies) are not all rooms, rooms of learning?

From the kitchen...fresh yogurt, slices of mango, deep red raspberries; all sprinkled with raw oats and accompanied by warm coffee.

I am p.j.’s: soft cotton boxer shorts commandeered from my dear husband and an oversized Texas t-shirt from my friend in Dallas, covered by my thermal pink hoody. My feet sit cozily inside my Uggs. ☺

I am creating...this moment. (and later my new professional website.)

I am sit on the beach with my dear friend and contemplate possibilities later this afternoon.

I am reading...mainly blog posts with an occasional dip into Angela’s Ashes and my significant pile of books.

I am hoping...I will stay present to all this day has to offer.

I am hearing...The hum of the white-noise machine left on from last night and the chirping of birds outside my window.

Around the house...all is quiet. My daughter sleeps soundly in her room while I type quietly in my studio.

One of my favorite things...Laughter! ☺

A few plans for the rest of the week: Tomorrow, I am connecting with a friend I have not seen in 33 years! Facebook rocks! Hanging an art show with hubbie. Watching my daughter play soccer. Breathing in life!

The picture thought I am at the beginning of the post ☺!

So that's my simple day. I'd love to hear about yours!!

photo in my studio today.