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live it to give it is all about love and connection. Being authentic. Living our lives and sharing it with others. Life is messy and so is this blog. Somedays my organized coach self shows up. Other days it's my vulnerable author. There's a mom that lives inside me alongside a wife, friend, social justice activist, creative muse, ponderer extraordinaire, and multitude of others. I'll introduce you to people who inspire me and offer a peek into my world that very likely intersects with your world. In other words, I will share life in its full, glorious mess with you. I'm honored you're here and I hope you'll come back soon!!  Cheers! Kayce 



Welcome July (& lucy)!

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~ Dr. Seuss

Click to read more ...


Summer Reading Fun!

long summer days + hot book + cool coaches + blog hop =

On the Same Page

I am super excited to announce a blogging book club — that will be hosted by five amazing professional coaches including yours truly. We are calling this "On the Same Page" and this summer, we will tackle flow written by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

"It is by being fully involved with every detail of our lives, whether good or bad, that we find happiness, not by trying to look for it directly." M. Csikszentmihalyi.

Each Monday, from July 9 – September 17, one coach will tackle a chapter from Flow. Key points from the chapter will be highlighted. Discussion questions will be posted, and “YOUwork” (aka homework) will be provided.

We hope you will join us and read along. It is absolutely FREE!! You do not have to register for anything. Just purchase or checkout the book (from your local library), show up here (starting July 9), and lend your voice to the discussion.

It will be insightful, thought-provoking, and transformative fun.

In the meantime, tell me what books are on your current summer reading list? What summer adventures are you planning? What’s your favorite snack to take to the pool?


Turtle Stepping to the Finish Line

How we do one thing is how we do everything. Take a moment to pause, ponder, and consider this. Are you typically a procrastinator or do you jump straight into the fire? Are you organized to perfection or a chronic case of disarray? Do you primarily listen to your head or does your body have the option of weighing in on decision-making? Do you operate from the learned behavior of others or can you recognize the epiphanies of your own heart? What works for you? How do you operate in the world?

Finish Line Approach
Throughout my life I have been each and all of the above, but as I become more aware of my ways of being I see how the initial statement, How we do one thing is how we do everything, rings true on a relatively consistent basis. Two perfect examples are the writing of my book, As I Lay Pondering, and the half marathon I completed this past weekend. In each case, the spark in my heart said, “Go for it!” and set in motion a journey toward the finish line. In either case, was I prepared? Yes and no. Did I believe I could achieve the goal? Yes and no. Did I keep putting one foot in front of the other no matter how challenging, scary, or disheartening things became? Unequivocally Yes!

Turtle Steps @ Green Lake
Here is where I am reminded of the timeless story of the tortoise and the hare. My essential way of being holds both characters. I typically leap quickly into the race (once the spark ignites) and then pause to notice what I’ve set in motion. If the goal continues to ring true, I turtle step my way through until the finish. On Saturday, I believed I would finish the race even though my training routine was a bit underdone (just like my book writing experience). All along the route, I checked in with my body and noticed when I was able to push forward and how I needed to occasionally hold back. I ran on the downhills when things felt easy and smooth, and I muttered under my breath on the uphills as I systematically put one foot in front of the other. (To author the book, I kept showing up to the page... even when inspiration or completion seemed a long way off).

When I got scared or tired and felt my heart beat with anxiety, I kept the end result in mind. I felt the exhilaration of crossing the finish line (or holding a completed manuscript in my hand). I believed completion was possible. I chose to follow my vision and turned my back on the naysayers (including my internal critic) who said I couldn’t do “it” without proper training. I wasn’t fully prepared in either instance, but I was prepared enough to begin. In the last two miles of the race, I came upon a t-shirt that read “Courage to Start. Faith to Finish.” It was just what I needed to see me through those last paces.

On Saturday, I set out to have fun, hang out with my daughter and sister, and move my body 13.1 miles without serious injury. I wanted to break my record of last year, but mainly I focused on my intention: Have Fun and Finish. I succeeded in both (and I broke my record by 15 minutes.) It happened one step at a time, because I've learned that...

how I do one thing is how I do everything!

Tortoise? Hare? Combo? Other? What’s the “everything” style that works best for you?


Knowing When to Ask for Help

My pondering has taken on a new level of exaggeration these past weeks as I tap into the thoughts, feelings, and emotions surrounding the promotional aspects of being a self-published author. As I’ve perused books, websites, and media expert information, I’ve felt like a seasick sailor in the midst of a typhoon. Green at the gills and seeking solid land, I’ve deciphered enough to know that it’s definitely not a positive sign when thinking about marketing your beloved product results in a tightened chest, violently churning insides, and a strong impulse to throw up.
Walla Walla Book Event
While I can candidly declare that I am competent in a number of arenas, there is never-the-less a voice in my head (and stomach) that says, “Leave the marketing to someone else.” There is naught like the mechanics of unsolicited self-promotion to turn my insides out and make me flee for shelter or cower under the covers. Please don’t get me wrong... I absolutely adore sharing stories, connecting with people, speaking on a welcoming stage, or engaging in an intimate one-on-one conversation. But the thought of walking into one more independent bookstore and having a clerk stroll away with a sneer on her face and As I Lay Pondering held between two fingers as if it were a dirty diaper turns my skin cold. Seriously... diving into Puget Sound midwinter without a wetsuit feels more inviting to me.
Now, anyone who has known me for even a brief period of time understands I have little aversion to taking risks. In fact, it joyously tops my ongoing to do list...
Take A Risk Every Day
...but I have also come to learn there is a laudable difference between taking risks that propel me forward and  those that push my heart begrudgingly into areas that leave my essential self feeling disturbingly icky. Even though I am a rockin’ coach, it is rarely wise to practice my skills on my loved ones. I am typically too invested in the outcome to be objective. Likewise, I’ve determined that exclusively promoting my own book is akin to being the sole counselor for my family. I am entirely too close to the subject. Misunderstandings are inevitable, feelings will get hurt, and unflattering barfing may ensue.
Further down on my list-to-live-by is another premise that I have a tendency to overlook.
Know When to Ask for Help!
I was raised to be an independent woman and asking for help can be a challenge. It is both blessing and curse to know myself as competent in my own right. Navigating this new marketing territory is clearly possible, but leaves me with a daunting feeling and the declaration, I don’t wanna! That’s clearly how I feel about taking the next promotional step(s) alone... I don’t wanna!! Therefore...
It’s time for me to take a risk, put my independent ego aside, and ask for help! Today I’m turning this plea over to the Universe. Call it prayer, intention setting, dream making, wish casting, whatever you like, but I’m releasing it out into the Great Unknown. And since I’m choosing not to go it alone, let me ask you this...
·      What projects make you turn ‘green at the gills’?
·      Are you compelled to disregard the potential warning signs and push on through?
·      If yes, consider why.
·      What does risk taking entail for you?
·      Do you know when (or how) to ask for help?
·      Feel free to practice alongside me by putting your needs and desires out into the world.
    Together we can see what happens!
·      Ready. Set. Go!!!
Wanted: Ideal advocate for As I Lay Pondering: daily invitations to live a transformed life. Must be articulate, energetic, and marketing knowledgeable (or excited and willing to learn). A promoter of passions with excellent tools and the skills to implement them.
Excited to work together and find perfect ways to extend our mutual energy and efforts. Reasonably priced and ready to make things happen. Passionate about my book, work, and what I have to offer the world. We connect seamlessly and complement each other well. Loves marketing and promotional work, is a self-starter, and not overbearing. Compassionate, generous, an excellent listener, and a well-connected connector.
When she/he arrives the weight drops from my shoulders and the gnawing in my stomach releases. Life moves forward with ease and satisfaction. It feels effortless... yes, effortless.
Companioning and marketing with ease... that’s what I want!! Okay, Universe. Ready. Set. Go!!!



This and That...

While I really prefer to save this space for "pondering," it occasionally seems appropriate to share a little "what's going on..."

Seattle Peeps won't want to miss this Friday's (June 15) fun and casual event at Breathe Hot Yoga (South Lake Union). I will be reading from "As I Lay Pondering" and conversing about my insights into presence, play, and passion.

4:30 P.M. (Optional) Class SPECIAL DROP-IN RATE $10 (if you've been curious about hot yoga come try it out!)


6:30 P.M. Festivities Begin with Tasty Treats from Eat Local
7:00 P.M. Author reading + Q&A
7:30 P.M. Book signing, mingling, and more!

BTW - "Pondering" is now portable. Get your copy on Kindle today!! Just $9.99.

Featured Online Class... Now is the time to kick back and connect with the Elements and your creativity... Summer Sale for this online "anytime" class ends Sunday. (Featuring SoulCollage© guided by yours truly.)
Water, Wind, Earth, & Fire 

Just for Fun... Take a minute (literally) and view WayPo Goes Wild (video outtakes) created while filming the "official" Wayfinder Post welcome. Thanks for stopping by!!!