Welcome July (& lucy)!

"Be who you are and say what you feel,
because those who mind don't matter,
and those who matter don't mind." ~ Dr. Seuss
Happy July! This morning I’m curled up in my studio musing over the delightful weekend that has just passed. As I ponder, I ask myself why it was such a great few days... I played, worked, exercised, and rested. I accomplished some things that have been on my to-do list like adding new banners to my website and switching “lucy” over to this space. It is this “switch” that lingers with me today. What now?
dr. seuss speaksHesitancy manifests as the loitering thought that “we” (lucy & I) don’t belong on this “professional” site stirs around in my mind. For years now I’ve maintained a personal blog and a separate website for my “work.” But you see, my work is loving the world, and the best way I know to do that is by sharing humanity with others. Lucy is the voice that motivates me to get over myself and take risks. She reminds me to laugh loud and often and inspires me to say what is on my mind. Slowly, slowly (turtle steps, right?), we have been moving toward integration... the very lesson I encourage for others. Integration. Being yourself. Not holding back when your heart says, “Yes!”
perfectly imperfect meSo what holds me back? (My hunch is you, too, may be familiar with this thought...) What if “they” don’t like me or think I’m weird or {gasp} figure out that I’m human? Such silly thoughts really. Want to know my secret to dissolving this notion? I simply remember that I am perfectly imperfect... just like you. I try. I fail. I waste time. I have bursts of anger and energy. I try again and often I succeed. I keep doing my thing. I listen. I pause. I follow the sunshine, dip my toes into the cold ocean, sweat in hot yoga, eat ice cream for dinner, and watch never-ending re-runs of “Grey’s Anatomy.” I am simple, silly, and so much fun... at least I think so, but you don’t have to agree {wink}.
This weekend I worked until it was time to play and played until it was time to work. And today, I get to wake up and do it all again... but this time, I get to share it with you!
Why in the world would I choose to do or be anything different?
Ponder this...
- What holds you back?
- In what ways does your “perfect imperfection” manifest?
- How do you get silly or chill out?

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