On the Same Page: Summer Blog Book Club

Woohoo! It's here... the beginning of our stimulating discussion of the groundbreaking classic book, Flow by Mihaly Czikzsentmihalyi (aka MC). My pal and coaching cohort, Kanesha Baynard is kicking us off at Bold Living Today, so hop on over and share in the conversation... but before you go, here are a few of the quotes that caught my attention in Chapter One: Happiness Revisited.
"Twenty-three hundred years ago Aristotle concluded that, more than anything else, men and women seek happiness." MC
"The best moments usually occur when a person's body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile." MC
"What would really satisfy people is not getting slim or rich, but feeling good about their lives." MC
"How we feel about ourselves, the joy we get from living, ultimately depend directly on how the mind filters and interprets everyday experiences." MC
"Achieving control over experience requires a drastic change in attitude about what is important and what is not." MC
Ponder these... and I'll see you over at Bold Living Today!

Reader Comments (1)
Kanesha Baynard offers us an amazing reflection on "Happiness Revisited"... I feel happy reading it... and i notice that my "inner limiter" is saying, "oh my, she has set the bar high... what if, MY reflection isn't as good?" yikes... going into the future with 'what ifs' does NOT make me happy especially when i'm comparing myself with others. breathing deeply now... ah... that makes me happy!!