lucy's personal empowerment day

It is starting to appear that February 27 is some kind of great empowerment day for me. Last year on this date, I was winging my way across the Atlantic for my grand Paris adventure. Today...I conquered the incessantly running toilet in our bathroom. Not quite the same, you might say. Well, I don't know. There is something pretty magical about saving a $100 plus charge for a plumber house call, purchasing a part for $2.70 and completing the whole process solo! I am pretty dang proud of myself.
The rest of the day held its own kind of magic too. I had early morning correspondence with some of my favorite people then went for a long overdue hair appointment. In fact, it may have been the new coif that convinced the hardware store salesman to walk me through the plumbing repair free of charge. The sun was gloriously shining here, too, which was a welcome relief after the blowing rain and snow we have experienced the rest of the week.
So, with new bouncy hair and no dastardly roots showing, I conquered my plumbing dilemma and then promptly paid myself with a new piece of art that Sunrise Sister tempted me with. I completed a few more items on my to do list and decided to walk down to our little town center to the bank and post office. After completing those tasks, I strolled by the movie theater and noticed that "The Reader" had opened today and the next showing was in 20 minutes. What's an empowered girl to do? You guessed it! Go to the movies! I was not disappointed and was only confirmed that Kate Winslet is the one to perform my memoir.
Now, I'm home with dinner in the oven and a beautiful salad awaiting my dear husband's arrival. My repair work today was in his bathroom, so he is going to be least I hope he is. Like I said, it may not be Paris...but life is pretty darn good on this side of the ocean too!
Yes, I am easily amused. How about you? What little pleasures brighten up your day? Where do you find empowerment? Enjoyment? Contentment?
top photo: from rodin museum - paris

Reader Comments (13)
What little pleasures brighten up my day?
This post. What a great day. I totally understand the correlation between Paris and fixing your own dunny.
Rock on, empowered chicky babe.
I am gonna go see The Reader. People do keep saying to do such things.
I will echo Sue:
"Rock on, empowered chicky babe indeed"!
And I totally get the Paris-toilet connection too. ;-)
Love you, my beautiful, powerful friend.
The answer to most of your final questions is simply Tune. :-)
First of all - great images on your post today! The Paris one takes me right back to the "adventure" we vicariously enjoyed with you last year and the second is just a beautiful reflection of creation!
Pleasures brightening my days - a delicious gelato pineapple flavored cone enjoyed with my spouse as it was dairy-free/vegan variety.
Taking a photo of a rainbow just after a driving rainstorm this a.m.
Empowerment - reflecting on my ability to string words together one day and an art piece together the next.
Enjoyment and contentment - all of the above. Thanks for asking!
sue--thanks for the the word dunny...glad i could brighten up your day a little as you have mine!
C--yes, petunia is the perfect answer to all of those questions! xoxox
SS--oh that sabbatical just continues to flow out of you. my insecure side is grateful that you have not chosen words as your primary medium (you are so fluid these days!) :-) but my empowered side says rock on empowered chicky babes of the world!!!
"We'll always have Paris." I heard that somewhere. But the toilet, now that's an accomplishment! Way to go. Just curious of course, but exactly how much did you look like a plumber as you bent over that beast?
CP--thank you for bringing the very male perspective to this post. i must admit that i have a new respect for plumber's and their dilemma as they bend over the beast :-) let's just say i was glad to be in the privacy of my own home with no spectators.
CP and Lucy - well I have to comment again....perhaps there's a photo/calendar opportunity here. Bill could shoot it and we could call it "Men and Women Plumbers at Work" or "Memorable Backsides" ......
ss--i think you've been hanging with HIM a little too much...or else you need a new muse.
stop, please stop! no plumber calendars from here!! xoxooxox
Well I'll tell you one thing that brightened up my purchasing my painting. That turned into a drive in the country on a beautiful sunny day to pick the painting up from the furniture store it was showing in. Thanks so much Lucy in the sky with diamonds!!!
What a great day...ah such empowerment and love for strength and self. Enjoy!
katherine--you are most welcome. i can't wait to have it in my hot little hands!!
gm--it is wonderful to experience that love of strength and self. it has been a long time coming!
For me, I feel the strength returning after implementing the exercises my physio, Mr. Rick, gave me last week. As is typical of his stretches, they don't feel like they are doing anything, but the results are undeniable. This is somewhat better than fixing my toilet, because my toilet keeps going recidivist! [Mr. Rick is an old student of mine.]
barbara--i love those stretches that don't feel like anything yet have undeniable results.
perhaps you need a new plumber :-)